This project is the product of the joint efforts of Daftar Ahwal Data Research Institute and Alkotby Archiving Memory Project

All copyrights of this project are reserved under the Creative Commons License, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Bibliography of the 1919 revolution

Second Version


It may be the only revolution, in the history of Egyptian revolutions, through the last  two hundred years; which has not got sufficient attention, by highlighting sources of research and profound studies that have addressed it; despite its importance as an introduction to a momentum of huge historical events that followed and entailed. primarily, comes the 1952 revolution, led by the Free Officers.

In this context, our effort comes to revive this long-term and present-day memory (at both historical and documentary levels), as some of its remaining effects are still extended in our political life, represented by Al-Wafd Party; a national and effective entity through various phases of historical and social transformations. Moreover, through the cultural and ceremonial events of the March 8, 1919 anniversary and November 13, 1918; “Al-Wafd great day with its three poles and the first spark for the 1919 events”. In addition to its influence on the art and literature taste. Furthermore, its leading figures and contemporaries names are still among us, echoing in the popular awareness as in the halls of academic work.

Our second version of (the documentary bibliography of the 1919 revolution) represents an affirmation of the same path of the first version, an addition to it and a step towards consolidating our vision about the correlation of historical research and archival work, in one path in which they do not contradict but rather support each other.

In this version, we monitor (mainly) the events that took place during the centennial of the 1919 revolution. As we document in our Arab sources for: correspondence and official reports from the British side in the pre-revolution period; in addition to the most important political letters and  personal and official correspondence, that took place in this context between the pillars of political work and its main figures, in Egypt, at that time. Both versions (first and second) are a first part of our bibliographic work to document the main historical sources.

This release documents a total of 1912 paper and electronic sources, including:

1010 essays and studies (Arabic and English)

183 books and messages (Arabic and English)

230 documents (reflecting the course of events throughout 1919 and 1920)

61 documents (from the Egyptian and British archives)

Including 116 documents (various sources)

312 videos and audio files

301 sources about the events and participants of the centennial of the 1919 revolution including:

224 press coverage, 77 audio-visual reports

Bibliography of the 1919 revolution

First Version


When we talk about the 1919 revolution, we do not forget its icons that are still alive among us in the memory of people, place, history and politics. However, what is missing is the most important part; what do we really know about the 1919 revolution? Where did sources of this knowledge come from? Was it right, or even wrong?

Perhaps those short scenes from the movie Bayn El Kasrain are the most sought-after in the popular memory. The scene of the artist Salah Kabil addressing the students, and the scene of Al-Azhar sheikhs fusion with the priest on the ground of interconnection, cohesion and national integration; chanting “Die we die, long live Egypt”, “Long live the crescent with the cross” and “utter evacuation or death.”

What sweet smells of those chants, which reminds us of a recent past?! The question may have not ended yet, because the answer is still not present, and has never been present enough.

This project seeks to document the full dimensions of this sweet-smelling scene, by mining inside ancient papers, books, newspapers and periodicals and by exploring the depths of the deep web. All what this project aspires to is to help everyone looking for an answer to what we really know about the revolution of 1919, 100 years later.

During our work on “the documentary bibliography project on the 1919 revolution”, we were keen to present a model for archival and documentary work, as it should be. To become an encyclopedic guide and documentary archive, that tracks all sources of research and study, about the 1919 revolution and its effects in all areas of writing (history, politics, sociology, literature, thought, economics, etc…), in addition to audio and visual materials.

This project was published during the year 2019, in the context of the centennial celebration of the 1919 revolution. The first version of the project was launched, in conjunction with the official date of the centennial of the 1919 revolution, of March 8, 2019, and the final version of the documentary bibliography project for 1919 coincided with the anniversary of November 13. The real beginning of the events of the 1919 revolution

About a documentary bibliography project on the 1919 revolution

The bibliography is mainly divided to four levels of approaches, bibliographical inventory, and source description as follows:

– Books and publications, including masters and doctoral theses, whether fully or partially exposed to the subject, determining the part about the revolution, according to the source.

– Press articles, of senior writers and others, and academic studies and research.

– Documents, including political statements, official reports, and persons and legal entities correspondence.

– Audio-visual materials, including videos and photography.

Research and registration stages were divided into three basic stages:

The first stage: The prelude to the events of the 1919 revolution generally starts from 1914 with the end of the First World War until November 13, 1918, the day of the formation of the Egyptian delegation.

The second stage: It is the stage of the events and incidents of the revolution of 1919 itself, starting from March 8, 1919, the date of the arrest of Saad Zaghloul and his colleagues, and the events that follow until the end of 1923 and the end of the battle of the Egyptian Constitution in general.

The third stage: It is the post-1919 revolution phase with the social, political and economic consequences effects and changes that followed from 1923 to 1930, in general, and the subsequent political, intellectual and social stages and developments ending with the Free Officers movement in 1952.

The project also relied on three main sources of work:

– Books and publications in all fields holistically.

– Newspapers and periodicals holistically.

– Audio and visual materials.

Action Plan for a documentary bibliography project on the 1919 revolution

First: The time frame to cover the three time periods of the 1919 revolution

Simultaneously with giving each stage a specific naming, the material is included according to the aforementioned tripartite division of the events of the revolution and its effects in all areas of life in Egypt. Provided that the initial stage of the project is implemented before the beginning of March 2019 and presented within the events of the centenary of the 1919 revolution (March 8, 2019).

Second: Including the titles for the material of the documentary bibliography in two stages

Listing a total of 600 titles in the first version. Targeting, a total number of titles for the bibliography materials in its final stage (Its final version) equal to approximately 3,000 titles varying between readable, audio or visual materials

Third: The division of titles in terms of content

– Partial approach: Part of the book or the article is subject to the revolution at any stage in its stages.

– Holistic approach: The entire book or article is subject to the revolution at any stage of its stages.

Fourth: The time frame for launching the entire project

The specific time for displaying the project version, is in conjunction with the official date of the centenary of the 1919 revolution, which is March 8, 2019, and the final version of the documentary bibliography project comes in 1919, coinciding with the anniversary of November 13, the real start of the events of the 1919 revolution.  Materials will be updated online periodically during the specified period between the presentation of the first version and the final version.

Final outputs of a documentary bibliography project on the 1919 revolution

First: A comprehensive bibliography (excel file) for research and knowledge sources and exclusive information on 5 axes:

– Books and publications including academic theses in Arabic or other language.

– Press articles and studies in Arabic or other language.

– Documents including event reports and official statements of legal persons and entities.

– Audio and video recordings.

– Photography.

Second: A documentary archive of the materials itself according to the bibliographic inventory

– Materials that are partly presented through extracts or whole parts according to the nature of the source in the following formats: 

– Word, jpg, pdf.

– Video recordings.

– Audio recordings.

– Photography.