Egypt Social Data Website( is an online open-access platform for social data in the Egyptian context. The website makes available alternative archives, databases, descriptive statistics interactive mappings, and data visualizations. Concerned primarily with social issues, the website publishes qualitative and quantitative data about:


  1. Contemporary social and criminal phenomena, issues, and conditions on micro, meso and marco levels in the Egyptian context (see the publications under the Societal Indicators Program)
  2. Contested narratives and histories of social change and political events in modern Egypt to exist – 20th century onwards (see the publications under “Social Documentation” SocDoc Program)
  3. Contemporary socio-political phenomena, issues, and conditions in the wider Arab region and comparative perspectives across the Arab societies experiencing political and societal changes (see the publications under “Regional Dossiers” Program)

In addition, the website houses an archival digital repository of visual and textual social, political, cultural, linguistic, historical, and legal archives, databases, indexes, bibliographies and catalogues produced by DADRI’s Archive Unit (see the publications under the Archive Unit).

Operated, published and updated by DADRI, the website is the sole publishing platform for the Institute’s knowledge products. The website aspires to become an open-access bilingual searchable source for indispensable researchers, academics, bibliographers, archivists, statisticians, data miners, activists, journalists, civil society professionals and the wider general public.